Information about the package, paraview, which is shipped with common Linux distributions. The paraview package is designed for, Parallel visualization application.
Package Name:
Parallel visualization application
ParaView is an application designed with the need to visualize large data sets in mind. The goals of the ParaView project include the following: * Develop an open-source, multi-platform visualization application. * Support distributed computation models to process large data sets. * Create an open, flexible, and intuitive user interface. * Develop an extensible architecture based on open standards. ParaView runs on distributed and shared memory parallel as well as single processor systems and has been successfully tested on Windows, Linux and various Unix workstations and clusters. Under the hood, ParaView uses the Visualization Toolkit as the data processing and rendering engine and has a user interface written using a unique blend of Tcl/Tk and C++. NOTE: The version in this package has NOT been compiled with MPI support. Install the paraview-openmpi package to get a version compiled with openmpi. Install the paraview-mpich package to get a version compiled with mpich.
25 M
From Repository:
Control the paraview package with the following handy commands outlined below.
yum install paraview
This command will install paraview on the server.
yum remove paraview
This command will un-install paraview on the server. When you run this command, you will be asked if you are sure that you want to remove paraview, so you have to manually confirm that you want to do this.
yum -y remove paraview
This command will un-install paraview on the server. When you run this command with th e -y flag, you will not be prompted to check that you are sure you want to remove the package - so be sure you absolutely want to remove paraview when using the -y flag.
yum update paraview
This command will update paraview to the latest version. When you run this command, you will be asked if you are sure that you want to remove paraview, so you have to manually confirm that you want to do this.
yum -y update paraview
This command will update paraview to the latest version. When you run this command with the -y flag, you will not be prompted to check that you are sure you want to remove the package - so be sure you absolutely want to remove paraview when using the -y flag.
yum info paraview
This command will show you core information about the paraview package.
yum deplist paraview
This command will show you the dependencies for paraview. Thankfully, when using Yum, if dependencies are required, these are also installed at the same time so you don't have to worry too much about that.
yum check-update paraview
This command will check if there is an update waiting on paraview. When you run this command this will return nothing if there is nothing to update, or, will return the package name if the package is due to be updated.