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Information about the package, python-isodate, which is shipped with common Linux distributions. The python-isodate package is designed for, An ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formater.

Package Name:



An ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formater


This module implements ISO 8601 date, time and duration parsing. The implementation follows ISO8601:2004 standard, and implements only date/time representations mentioned in the standard. If something is not mentioned there, then it is treated as non existent, and not as an allowed option. For instance, ISO8601:2004 never mentions 2 digit years. So, it is not intended by this module to support 2 digit years. (while it may still be valid as ISO date, because it is not explicitly forbidden.) Another example is, when no time zone information is given for a time, then it should be interpreted as local time, and not UTC. As this module maps ISO 8601 dates/times to standard Python data types, like date, time, datetime and timedelta, it is not possible to convert all possible ISO 8601 dates/times. For instance, dates before 0001-01-01 are not allowed by the Python date and datetime classes. Additionally fractional seconds are limited to microseconds. That means if the parser finds for instance nanoseconds it will round it to microseconds.








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Handy Yum Commands for python-isodate

Control the python-isodate package with the following handy commands outlined below.


Description of Command

yum install python-isodate

This command will install python-isodate on the server.

yum remove python-isodate

This command will un-install python-isodate on the server. When you run this command, you will be asked if you are sure that you want to remove python-isodate, so you have to manually confirm that you want to do this.

yum -y remove python-isodate

This command will un-install python-isodate on the server. When you run this command with th e -y flag, you will not be prompted to check that you are sure you want to remove the package - so be sure you absolutely want to remove python-isodate when using the -y flag.

yum update python-isodate

This command will update python-isodate to the latest version. When you run this command, you will be asked if you are sure that you want to remove python-isodate, so you have to manually confirm that you want to do this.

yum -y update python-isodate

This command will update python-isodate to the latest version. When you run this command with the -y flag, you will not be prompted to check that you are sure you want to remove the package - so be sure you absolutely want to remove python-isodate when using the -y flag.

yum info python-isodate

This command will show you core information about the python-isodate package.

yum deplist python-isodate

This command will show you the dependencies for python-isodate. Thankfully, when using Yum, if dependencies are required, these are also installed at the same time so you don't have to worry too much about that.

yum check-update python-isodate

This command will check if there is an update waiting on python-isodate. When you run this command this will return nothing if there is nothing to update, or, will return the package name if the package is due to be updated.